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The Evolution of Personal Lines Insurance

Be future-proof and future-ready.

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LEaP, Loss Experience and Personalization, is a patent pending method enabling insurance companies to generate customized rates and build personalized risk assessment models to modernize the way premiums are calculated. Leveraging advanced predictive analytics and artificial intelligence, it creates Client Lifestyle Pools (CLP). This is not the same risk pools. CLP are based on behavior patterns. The CLP is a rating factor that removes and replaces some of the current rating factors. By removing traditional discriminatory factors while keeping consumer data secured, LEaP ensures that premiums are set fairly and automatically adjusted based on changes in the CLPs, and loss experience.

*AI is expected to save the insurance industry $1 trillion by 2030

LEaP marries the old with the new. A fusion of tradition and innovation, the technology uncovers hidden insights by analyzing profitable and less profitable policyholders. Through intricate third-party data analysis, we unveil elusive patterns for accurate accident and claims prediction which creates a more accurate pricing model that is truly dynamic. This provides the ability to adjust rates with greater speed.

Global communication network concept. Digital transformation.
Diverse group of young professionals in the office




Helping insurers leap into the future of pricing risk.